Teaching Award ‘21
Emmett has been awarded a University Teaching Excellence Award, the first studio based, part-time Professor to achieve this at University College Dublin, School of Architecture. The citation of the Awarding panel is below:
“This was a very strong application scoring highly across all five criteria. Enthusiasm for your
innovative approach to teaching shone through and you demonstrated clear links between
innovation, the development of a collective studio culture and student success. Your
application was greatly strengthened by your approach to sustainable innovation through
public agency funding and international dissemination. The panel also commended the
student-led 'Ways and Means' lecture series to support and inspire students to make
sustainable careers in architecture.”
The award is a result of extraordinary collaboration with colleagues at UCD Architecture, in particular Orla Murphy and the very many students of architecture who participated fully in the project to build a more student-led culture of architecture education in the Master’s Program at UCD.